
By Nur Amirah - 6:27 pm

I seek help, finally.

After 4-6 years of struggling with it, I took a huge step. Benda yang dah lama aku nak buat tapi belum mampu sebab masih sekolah.

Akhirnya, aku pergi klinik untuk mental health checkup. Dalam beberapa bulan ni, aku makin sakit. Selalunya aku boleh handle sakit ni sebab aku kat rumah, ada parents. Tengok dorang pun dah okay. tapi kalini aku dah study. Aku kat terengganu, my parents kat selangor. Aku tak ada semangat.

Kalini aku bebetul tak tahan, so i decide to reach out for help. Last week, aku jumpa psychologist, dia kata better pergi klinik since dia bukan clinical psy. So, i decided to go to clinic la.

Doctor aku suspect depression & anxiety. Jadi, dia mintak buat DASS sebab dia nak tahu apa masalah aku selainnya la. Result aku teruk, sangat teruk so my doctor bagi letter and buat appt dengan hospital besar.

Doctor aku jugak diagnosed aku ada hyperventilation syndrome. That's why dia suruh pergi hospital sebab sana ada psychiatrist boleh buat a few test la untuk bebetul diagnose.

Sadly, next appt aku bulan 10. Mak aku call tanya aku boleh tahan ke tak lagi sebab i told her i nak mati....................... haha

Yup, aku cakap kat mak aku yang aku nak mati. aku cakap dengan kawan kawan aku yang aku nak mati sebab this pain ya Allah sakit sangat hehe.

and, ya. My parents datang terengganu asap after i told them i wanted to take my own life. Then, dorang bawak aku balik selangor sebab takut aku bunuh diri since aku sorang kat sana,

They both decide untuk tukarkan aku ke kampus lain but my course tak ada kampus yang dekat.

Idk, maybe i should take diploma next year?

Masih keliru.

Aku cerita bukan utk korang kesiankan aku or mintak dikesiankan, cuma nak cakap ada mental illness memang sakit daripada physical illness. Orang awam pun amik berat pasal sakit patah kaki la, cancer la but what about us? we are dying too.

Taktahu nak tukar kampus/university atau mati, im so tired. I want to end everything.

Apa apa pun, jaga diri semua. Hugs <3

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12 guys please leave your comment

  1. please keep strong who ever you are...

  2. I sincerely hope you'll get through this amirah. Ya allah, please ease her pain aamiin.

  3. keep strong and speedy recovery amirah . you still have a long journey to going thru . Please keep safe and healthy .

  4. The good thing about it is that you have your family support. I admire that, not anyone ballsy enough to let their family knows what they are feeling when they are in pain, scared that they might not understand. I have a friend who is just like you, monthly check up at Hospital Serdang for her anti-depression meds and wearing a rubber band on her wrist to snap it just when the feelings about to trigger.

    Just make sure you have someone or anybody to talk to whenever you feel down. You can rant to me even, I don't mind. We are all here for you. You can fight it my dear, don't let the feelings taking you over.

    1. hi, actually my family taktahu pun but i tercakap everything hahaha! i tahu family i supportive tapi biasalah, i sentiasa rasa i membebankan so i decide to keep my pain and suffering alone. anyways, thank you for your warm words, <3

  5. Be strong sweetheart. You will get through this :')

  6. dearest mira, i'm impressed with your effort. you did a good job. cannot help feeling nervous while reading this because i somehow could relate to it. just so you know, we may far from each other and don't even know each other, however we got this! we're not alone. this illness is a gift that not anyone can have. of course it does has the pros and cons but it still keeps us close with Allah in its and our own way. Though in grief, let's say Alhamdulillah :')

    1. hi, it was a huge step for me! at first, i didnt know what to feel but yaa, thats a good start for me. thank you for making my day with your kind words! <3

    2. my pleasure <3
      let's get through this together okay! =)


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