Rx luv

By Nur Amirah - 5:11 pm

Dah sebulan tak post sebab busy lol.

Busy apply macam macam and pergi sana sini untuk survey uni/kolej. Life is hard. Aku tak kerja sebab takde transport, nenek aku pulak overprotective gila. So, masa aku habis search la semua pasal benda untuk sambung belajar.

My first choice nak sambung kat Kolej Profesional Mara tapi tak dapat. Dah buat rayuan, sama je tidak berjaya. Takpe, mungkin ada lagi rezeki aku kat mana-mana!

Second choice aku tunggu upu je la, aku mohon diploma uitm je lah.  Harap dapat lah, kalau tak............ taktahu, tetiba tak terfikir kalau tak dapat apa nak buat ehek.

Third choice, sambung foundation in sc-tech je lah kat Kolej Mara Kuala Nerang which is aku dah dapat offer letter tapi masih ragu ragu sebab ada fizik.. Fizik memang aku lemah gila idk, any tips? Any thoughts? I need HELpP pls Help :)

Akhir sekali, aku terpaksa masuk GMI - Software Testing. Itu je la apa yang aku plan so far sedih la banyak je tak dapat hahaha, takpela, rezeki itu luas.

Bila dah ada result SPM kat tangan ni, jujur aku kata hebat mana pun result kau, tu semua fake hope je yang kau actually senang sambung belajar. Sebenarnya TAK AHAHAH.

Oh ye, aku tak mohon matriks sebab tak berminat la pulak. So aku tak dapat pun la mana mana matriks.

If kakak/abang yang baca post ni, i need you guys punya pandangan about anything la pasal benda alah ni. Sadly, i takde orang nak tanya dah sebab ada abang je, sibling tak ramai,kawan tak ramai kahkah.

My brother punya opinion - mana mana susah gak. Tak membantu langsung abang aku ni, aku mintak dia support tapi itu je la jawapan dia!!! (i is stress)

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  1. yay! she's back! you're back! hehe

    hmm. pasal fizik tu kan sis pun tak minat giler fizik masa sekolah. but then masa dekat matriks boleh pulak masuk simbol2 aneh turun naik matter whatever semua tu. kadang bukan sebab kita tak minat. bukan sebab otak kennot brain. tapi sebab orang yang mengajar. bukan sebab dia tak pandai mengajar. i think sebab more like chemistry thing? eh chemistry pulak. okey, let's say it's like kutub magnet tu tak maw lekat hahahaha. if mira still tak dapat nak study apa yang mira nak, try things yang mira boleh buat. well, i love bio tho and mimpi sangat nak jadi vet but matrik rejected my rayuan nak join budak pure science. well now i'm a computer science student. actually, i noticed i love biology but i wasn't good like really really not good at memorizing. guess that's why Allah bagi sis study computer science. I do have the interest tho. And computer science plays more on understanding which is just my type. just like we learn math. anw, all the best! even if you feel you can't make it, just try. effort is always matter. Allah will do the rest and the best for you. =)

    oof a long comment again lol

    1. Hai ! Saya takut nak amik foundation sebab fizik memang lemah dari sekolah haha, sis belajar computer science kat mana?! I baru je dapat tawaran kat uitm ganu, sadly, tarikh daftar tu sama dengan wedding abang i. I dah buntuuuu kat sini and taktahu nak buat apa! hahaha, Your kind words warmed my heart. Tq.

    2. sis study kat ump. hmm boleh pulak tersama date. anw congratz to your bro and you too, dapat kakak ipo haha

  2. welcome back dear. In shaa Allah semoga dipermudahkan semuanya . Aamiin.
    Ray singgah follow (#136) smbil klik klik ads yg ade mmuah

  3. hi! you just like me. dulu memang benci teruk gila baben ah dengan fizik. i even menyumpah like begone physics. HAHAHAHAHAH but look at me now. already finish diploma in science with option physics! and also currently pursuing mechanical engineering. what make change my mind? i really hate memorizing and that time my lect brainwash every of his student to take physics and their majoring. physics zaman sekolah maybe nampak complicated sebab we tend to learn averything while in university physics ni luas. ada electronics, electrical, mechanical and so on. physics nak score senang! you just to know the formula and good to go!

    nevertheless, you brother is right /sad/ mana mana course pun ada susah and senang dia depends on how determine you want to learn. goodluck in your future life!

  4. Nurul singgah & follow sini ye #144



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